Member-only story
10 Years After Resigning From My Job
Time flies. It surely does. If I was asked about the life I’d live 10 years later, I would think insanity just imaging the experiences that have transpired since. Not all good. Not all bad. Just ALL life.
I went from “knowing” what I wanted into ALLowing life to unfold.
Back then, I was certain about the path to success and happiness. I remember being exhausted in the chase but still full of energetic hope for a change. Hope that life was just more than titles, salary, and stuff.
So, I made a choice.
I’d be lying if I told you the choice was easy. The uncertainties have been quite challenging. I’ve had moments of doubt. Moments I hit rock bottoms. Indeed I once hit the bottom only to realize the ground giving way to a much deeper hole.
But I have also experienced many more moments of joy and fulfillment.
When I left my “career” for the unknown, family and friends questioned my decision. Some voiced their concerns over drinks while others judged me from afar. Years later, when I decided to step back from “money things” colleagues voiced their concerns and some felt pity for my “loss of…