7 years after the book’s release

Jason Vitug
2 min readJun 7, 2023


I almost forgot!

My first book was released on June 6, 2016, which means YOLO is now 7 years old.

Jason Vitug holding two books: You Only Live Once and Happy Money Happy Life

Happy Book Pub Day!

I still remember back in 2015 explaining the concept of financial wellness and getting pushback from people.

And years before that, I had people laugh at me. I also remember the looks some gave as if I had 10 heads while I explained financial wellness as being an integral part of employees' wellbeing.

I challenged HR departments to add financial wellness to their health and wellness fairs.

Sure, it’s a touchy subject and employers wanted to stay away from it.

But I’ve learned the power of empowering employees with financial knowledge.

But I said it wasn’t simply about giving budgeting workshops or credit score sessions.

I championed a holistic approach to money.

I was the person who wanted to talk about hopes and dreams and thoughts and feelings.

It wasn’t simply about financial goals but how the money milestones improved the quality of the life being lived.

It wasn’t about a list of achievements but a life of fulfillment.

In the book, I shared that the answer wasn’t simply to offer financial sessions. It was about engaging people in a meaningful conversation about their relationship with money.

I’m happy to see how financial wellness is a thing. And how it’s been widely accepted and a focus for many more companies.

For me, financial wellness is about regaining back our time to do more of the things that bring joy and happiness into our lives. And I’ve written books on time and happiness and how money affects those things.



Jason Vitug

Happiness and wellness advocate. Founder phroogal.com, creator Road to Financial Wellness. Preorder Happy Money Happy Life > https://www.phroogal.com/happy